buckle up in Scotland

25. máj 2018 | agency

Experiences are supposed to be described after some time has passed. Not because you forget the half of it. You just need to let them mature. That's why we waited for over a year to write this summary of our trip to Scotland.

digital agency buckle up in Scotland

It is difficult to describe our trip to Scotland. Not that we don't remember anything, but experienced a lot in a really short time. To summarize, it was something like this: flight, food, train, Stoneheaven, food, Perth, food, BBC Biggest Weekend, train, food, Balloch, food, bicycles, food, Edinburgh, running a half marathon, more food (comes natural after a race), Steak & Mussels, sightseeing, even more food, pubs and having fun, already leaving? Noooo.

A few interesting things and observations

  • Scots speak English .. supposedly
  • their national animal is the unicorn and the national plant is the thistle
  • we took a look at Stoneheaven, a castle on the coast built on a cliff
  • we listened to Jamie Cullum and Karine Polwart at the Biggest Weekend festival
  • we tasted Haggies, you better not even google the recipe
  • Luky ran a half marathon through Edinburgh and placed 32nd
  • Scottish countryside is beautiful, and the castles and lakes even more so
  • you say that steak and mussels don't go together? say it out loud at the Steak&Mussels
  • we are fit enough for the most demanding trips, we ain't no babies .. supposedly